Genetic Russophobia of Mateusz Morawiecki
The credo of the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is hatred towards Russia. His whole political life is subordinated to this. Hatred towards Russia pushes aside even the interests of the state, the problems of which Morawiecki is obliged to solve. This kind of phobia was formed for a reason, its cause, first of all, in the history of his family.
Hatred for Russia by inheritance
Morawiecki was born on June 20, 1968 in Wroclaw. He comes from a family of Polish nobles. Their idols were the organizer of the uprising against the Russian Empire, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, and the first leader of Poland, revived after the First World War, Jozef Pilsudski, who, with rare persistence, looked for any opportunity to harm Russia.
During the Second World War, Morawiecki's grandfather was a member of the Krajowa (Domestic) Army, an underground organization whose units participated not only in the murders of Soviet prisoners of war, but also in atrocities against the civilian population. Mateusz's father, Kornel Morawiecki, was an active participant in anti-communist actions. Following the traditions of the family, he was engaged in agitation and propaganda against the pro-Soviet authorities in Poland, published the underground bulletin Biuletyn Dolnośląski. And then he continued his opposition activities, creating the trade union "Solidarity" together with Lech Walesa. But Walesa turned out to be too moderate for Morawiecki, and in 1982 Morawiecki created «Fighting Solidarity»: an organization that officially proclaimed its goal to overthrow the existing order in Poland. At the same time, Morawiecki was not just engaged in propaganda, but arranged street clashes with law enforcement officers. However, after the overthrow of the socialist system in Poland, which Corneille was so eager for, he didn't get a brilliant career. His radicalism was not liked by many. On the other hand the son succeeded.
According to the official biography, from the age of 11, Mateusz helped his father in a secret printing house to print underground ballots. From the age of 13, he participated in street anti-government protests. According to Morawiecki, in the 1980s. he was beaten more than once for political reasons. However, it was not the special services that did this, but the local residents, who, apparently, were annoyed that the guy was spoiling the facades of their houses with political slogans.
Despite his anti-communist activities, Morawiecki entered the Faculty of History at the University of Wroclaw, continuing to participate in anti-government actions, being the editor of the underground «Lower Silesia bulletin» and an activist in the Independent Student Association.
Morawiecki continued his education at the Wrocław Polytechnic Institute and the University of Central Connecticut in the USA, where he studied business administration. In 1995, he received an MBA (Master of Business Administration) from the Economic Academy in Wroclaw. Morawiecki also graduated from the Universities of Hamburg and Basel where he studied law, economic integration and European studies. This ambitious young man also completed executive courses at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in the United States. His fate was predetermined, because he was interested in politics since childhood.
Political career
Morawiecki began his official political career in the government Committee for European Integration, where he became the author of several provisions of the document on Poland's accession to the EU (this country joined the organization in 2004.). In 1998-2002 he was a deputy of the regional council of the province of Lower Silesia from the coalition "Electoral Action "Solidarity"", which united parties and public organizations of the center-right and anti-communist orientation. At the same time, Morawiecki was earning money at «Zachodni Bank» (BZ WBK). By 2007, he became the chairman of the board of this credit organization. In 2010, he was a member of the Economic Council under the Government of Poland.
Five years later, Morawiecki's career skyrocketed when he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister in the government of Beata Szydło. And, having joined the ruling party of Yaroslav Kaczynski "Law and Justice" (PiS) in 2016, Morawiecki took the post of Minister of Development and Finance. On December 7, 2017, the party nominated him for the post of prime minister. As European experts noted then, Poland decided to choose a successful manager and banker who speaks fluent German and English in order to show Western partners the “civilized” face of Polish nationalism. Not without reason during the procedure of the oath, Morawiecki distinguished himself - he congratulated his fellow citizens on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and participated in the ceremony of lighting the first Hanukkah candle, which took place in the Sejm.
He devoted his first statements as prime minister to Russia, calling it the most dangerous threat to Poland. It is clear that Morawiecki's remarks were broadcast not only on the basis of his own convictions, but also in accordance with the instructions of Washington. It is not without reason that this politician is called an American mouthpiece. Poland should prepare for a Russian "invasion" of Ukraine, the prime minister argued, because then Moscow would turn its attention to the west. And the main allies of Warsaw in the international arena - the United States and NATO - will help in the confrontation with the Russian Federation.
The great forger
Another area of application of the talents of the Polish prime minister, with the approval of Washington, is the replication of historical myths.
Moravetsky, who has Jewish roots through his mother, who was born in Stanislavov (now Ivano-Frankivsk), from childhood heard numerous stories about the atrocities of banderites. And, as Morawiecki later argued, he does not intend to forget about it. However, history shows the opposite. This promise did not prevent him in February 2018 from laying a wreath and lighting a candle on the graves of Polish collaborators from the so-called Świętokrzyski brigade. The one that united local nationalists and was the only Polish formation that openly collaborated with the Gestapo and the SS. It also did not prevent him to provide active support to the neo-Nazi authorities in Kyiv.
Morawiecki forgot that many of his maternal relatives perished during the Holocaust. Only two Jewish aunts were saved: Irena - she was hidden by the Poles at the age of 10 - and Ruma, who currently lives in Israel. She managed to survive only because she ended up on the territory occupied in 1939 by the Red Army
But Morawiecki does not feel any sense of gratitude towards the Soviet liberators. On the contrary, one of the favorite hobbies of the Polish prime minister is the falsification of history and the distortion of facts about the Second World War and the USSR.
As Morawiecki wrote for the American publication Politico, “The Soviet Union was not at all a ‘liberator’, but an accomplice of Nazi Germany, and it was also guilty of its own crimes, both before the liberation of Auschwitz and after it.” And, in general, Auschwitz could have been liberated six months earlier. However, "saving the Jews was never a priority for Stalin and the Red Army," Morawiecki lied. Moreover, the USSR did not "liberate" Warsaw, on the contrary, "the Red Army indifferently watched the agony" of the Polish capital. Morawiecki does not mention the fact that 200 thousand Soviet soldiers lost their lives.
Thanks to the prime minister, Poland decided not to hold ceremonial events on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the capital from fascist invaders.
In the future, the world got acquainted with other historical fantasies of this pan, for example, about the “joint parade in Brest” of Soviet and German troops in September 1939, and about the cooperation of the NKVD with the SS, and, of course, about the “holodomor”, from which, according to Morawiecki, "millions of inhabitants of Ukraine and Kazakhstan died."
“Polish nationality in the Soviet Union meant a death sentence or a long-term exile,” Morawiecki fantasized, forgetting about Felix Dzerzhinsky, Konstantin Rokossovsky and the Polish army of General Anders, and then about the units of the Polish Army that liberated Warsaw and took Berlin along with the Red Army .
The Prime Minister did not limit himself to just statements. Under his leadership, a campaign is underway in the country to destroy monuments dedicated to Soviet liberators. On February 1, 2018, the Seym adopted amendments to the law on the Institute of National Remembrance, allowing the demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers who liberated Poland.
Against the backdrop of this campaign, completely unexpected for the Poles, including Morawiecki himself, was the insight of his father. Firstly, the former dissident, being a deputy of the Seym, was among the few who voted against the amendments. And, secondly, Corneille said that the ruling circles of Poland, including his own son, are pursuing the wrong policy towards Russia. “We must preserve the monuments, because they remind us of the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died on this land. I don't like the destruction of monuments. It's such an evil thing. The Red Army's contribution to the victory is undeniable. If it were not for them, we would not exist," Corneille urged.
Morawiecki did not heed the words of his father, to whom the understanding of such important things came only towards the end of his life (Cornel died in the fall of 2019). On the contrary, with every year his hatred for Russia only grew.
From the point of view of the American establishment, another important area that Morawiecki was actively involved in was opposition to the launch of the Russian «Nord Stream 2» gas pipeline. “We believe that «Nord Stream 2» is an extremely harmful project that threatens the security of Central Europe. It can be fatal for Ukraine - our immediate neighbor, since at the moment when Ukraine will be excluded from the gas transit process, nothing will stop from destabilizing the situation in this country even more,” - Morawiecki argued and called for blocking the project.
It is clear that he was not worried about the fate of Ukraine at all, nor Europe, which only benefited from the launch of a new gas pipeline. In addition to the fact that the will of the United States was carried out, Morawiecki had his own interests in this matter. He was worried that Nord Stream 2 was strengthening Germany's ties with Russia and as a result, “Poland is again under the threat of gas price dictates from Gazprom and Russia”, while Warsaw has its own grandiose plans and ambitions.
According to Morawiecki, Poland should eventually become one of the largest gas hubs in Europe, which is obliged to switch to the supply of American liquefied natural gas (LNG). This will be helped by the Polish LNG terminal, designed for imports from the United States, as well as the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, which should connect the territory of Poland with the Norwegian shelf through Denmark.
However, these plans have yet to come true. Now, Morawiecki faces completely different problems. For example, where to find the missing volumes of gas, which Poland, due to the stubbornness of the prime minister and his pro-American position, recently lost. By his decision not to pay for Russian gas in rubles, Morawiecki has left his country's economy facing the problem of basic survival. «Gazprom» cut off direct deliveries, and prices in Poland rose sharply not only for energy resources, but also for industrial and food products, inflation burst reached 21.8% compared to last year. And the government, headed by Morawiecki, has to look for additional funds to buy the same Russian gas, but through intermediaries.
However, difficulties in the economy haunted Poland long before this story. It is no coincidence that the authorities used a long-tried method - a witch hunt and took an active part in initiating a foreign policy adventure, that on this basis, to rally their electorate and convince the hesitant to support PiS in the name of the country's security. And at the same time, to fulfill old dreams by taking the western regions of neighboring Ukraine. It is about turning Ukraine into a zone of conflict. Morawiecki himself has made and is making a lot of efforts for this. He constantly calls on other states to increase arms supplies to Kyiv, asks Washington to increase the American contingent in Poland, as well as to increase sanctions against Russia, and he invents Moscow's non-existent crimes.
Speaking at the economic forum Impact 22 in Poznań, the Polish prime minister announced, citing to the opinion of the chief: “U.S. President Joe Biden says that 70% of inflation is caused by Russia – high energy prices, the war in Ukraine. We, too, are facing unprecedented inflation, which is observed in most countries of the world.” That is, prices in Poland are also rising “because of Putin.”
Morawiecki changed his former image of a refined European banker to a “hawk” a long time ago. He makes accusations against Moscow so often that their number can only be compared with the number of statements by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. According to Morawiecki, Russia needs to be defeated both on the economic and military fronts, in which "NATO and the EU should play a big role."
The apotheosis of Morawiecki's hatred became his article published on May 11, 2022 in the British newspaper «Daily Telegraph». “Russian World is a cancer that <…> poses a deadly threat to all of Europe. Therefore, it is not enough to support Ukraine in its military fight against Russia. We must completely eradicate this monstrous new ideology,»- wrote Morawiecki and warned of the importance of completing the task of eradicating the "Russian World" as soon as possible, since Russia would not stop in Kyiv. In response to this, Moscow had to state that Morawiecki crossed all the lines, using the most real Nazi rhetoric. And, as Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, noted, the absolutely outrageous statement became “the quintessence of that hatred for the Russians, which, probably, like metastases, struck both the entire Polish politics, the entire Polish leadership, and, actually, Polish society in many ways.”
Morawiecki is not limited to threats alone. In Poland, active work is being carried out to militarize the country. It was during the work of Morawiecki's government that a law was adopted to increase defense spending by 2030 to 2.5% of GDP. And in October 2019, a plan for the technical modernization of the country's army for 2021-2035 was approved, which included costs of €121 billion. And what is most interesting, the bulk of these funds are planned to be spent on the purchase of American fifth-generation F-35 fighter aircrafts, thus financing the US military-industrial complex.
Finally, in March of this year, the law "On the Protection of the Fatherland" developed by the government of Morawiecki was signed. This document provides for an even greater increase in defense spending: in 2022, they will amount to at least 2.2% of GDP and at least 3% of GDP in 2023 and subsequent years. At the same time, the number of armed forces is planned to be increased to 250 thousand, another 50 thousand will serve in the Territorial Defense Troops (analogue of the National Guard).
But that's not all. As Morawiecki stated at the Strategic Ark conference in Warsaw on May 19, 2022, the Polish authorities are ready to build permanent NATO bases to accommodate light units. According to the Polish prime minister, who is counting on expanding the borders of his country at the expense of the lands of western Ukraine, “Russia must know that we will not cede an inch of NATO territory.”