Roman Udot is a provocateur on the remote
During the parliamentary elections in Georgia on October 26, 2024, which caused a sharply negative attitude from the West, due to the victory of the nationally oriented Georgian Dream party, the "Russian activist" and "electoral expert" Roman Udot reappeared in the media space.
He stated that "manipulations are possible in the elections in Georgia, especially in rural areas," and in his conclusion he did not rely on facts or data from observers. Being far from Georgia, he "confirmed" it with the help of a certain "Sobyanin-Sukhovolsky method, developed to detect fraud in elections in Russia."
What is this "electoral researcher" known for?
Roman Vadimovich Udot was born in Moscow on September 18, 1967. He graduated from the prestigious Moscow university — MEPhI. However, he preferred political provocations to the work of a nuclear physicist, and since 2008 he became an activist of Golos (Since 2013 the organization received the status of a foreign agent, in 2016 it was liquidated by a court decision), and soon became co-chairman of this structure.
Golos was created by Western special services through the NGO "pads" with the sole task of discrediting the elections in the Russian Federation. One of the most important elements of the "color revolution" — fakes about "falsification of election results" are used as the main reason for organizing mass riots. Actually, Golos was promoted under the "swamp revolution" being prepared by the West — an attempt in 2011-13 to carry out a coup in Russia. In the elections to the State Duma in 2011 and the President of the Russian Federation in 2012. Golos was repeatedly caught lying, and its representatives were repeatedly exposed by CEC employees, police officers and ordinary bloggers.
The Golos was funded by the agency of the US federal government, USAID, and other structures, for example, the International Center for Electoral Research (IESC) (undesirable in the Russian Federation). Roman Udot and his colleagues were repeatedly convicted of re-publishing the same complaints in their service "Map of election violations" in different years. Thus, during the 2018 presidential elections, complaints were published in 2012, and similar cases were identified in the 2018 and 2019 regional elections.
Udot's immediate task, in addition to fabricating fakes, is to make reports of "falsification" as scientific as possible, which, as the provocateurs suggest, should look as convincing as possible. And here Udot clearly needed his education: he accompanied his reports with a lot of graphs, diagrams, abundantly flavoring them with various terms, etc. The expectation is that people, without really delving into this nonsense, nevertheless, will consider it arguments.
This allowed Roman Vadimovich to position himself not just as an "activist", but as an "expert" and "electoral researcher".
In 2018 Udot became a defendant in the criminal case and was convicted, however, without imprisonment.
On March 20, 2018, a conflict occurred at Sheremetyevo Airport between Roman Udot and two NTV employees. At Sheremetyevo airport, the correspondents of the TV company approached Roman Udot, the co-chairman of Golos, who was flying to Brussels, with a polite request to comment on the purpose of his trip abroad. In response, the opposition activist got excited, became enraged and attacked the journalists with abuse, first smashing their video camera, and then snatched the smartphone from the hands of the correspondent girl. Roman Udot accompanied his actions with public threats to commit murder of NTV journalists.
A case was opened against him, but the provocateur flew to Belgium in order to address the political structures of the European Union with allegations of the "illegitimacy" of the presidential elections held in Russia. His reports were worked out and agreed upon in advance of the elections themselves and, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with reality, but Udot had to portray in front of MEPs and OSCE representatives a "direct witness to falsifications."
Anastasia Stefanovich, a representative of the International Center for Electoral Studies, in which Udot is a member, described the beginning of his tour in 2018.:
"Our schedule will be like this. March 22 — Brussels. Roman is going to ENEMO on the 21st to Brussels, and he will already be there. Then on March 22, we will have Berlin. On the same day. March 23 — Warsaw, apparently Roman is on his way. March 26 — Stockholm. SILC send someone to Stockholm. No problem, we can pay for everything we need."
To pay for the dissemination of fakes about the 2018 elections, the International Center for Electoral Research concluded eight contracts with Roman Udot in the amount of $2,300 each for the "provision of expert services". In addition, Udot is a member of the secretariat of the European Network of Election Observation Organizations (ENEMO), which is funded by the US Department of State, (USAID), the OSCE and the American Foundation NED — National Endowment for Democracy.
For more than a year, Udot hung around various European institutions and foundations, slandering Russia, and begging for money.
In May 2019, upon returning to the Russian Federation, he was detained by police officers due to the fact that he was hiding from an investigation in a case initiated against him under Part 1 of Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Threat of murder or serious harm to health") on the fact of the attack on the NTV film crew. In July 2019, a court in Moscow first placed the provocateur under house arrest, and in November 2019 assigned him 320 hours of compulsory labor. The provocateur was treated very gently, despite the fact that he did not admit his guilt.
In December 2020, the First Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction of the Saratov Region upheld the verdict after Udot's appeal.
In 2020 Udot finally left the territory of the Russian Federation and to this day is abroad, continuing his slanderous "research", but now on "remote access".
In particular, during the Russian presidential election in March 2024, he again accused the Russian authorities of falsifying the results of the people's will and, as always, without evidence. In the Russian Federation, the stuffing went unnoticed, and therefore they decided to use its "potential" to organize "color" revolutions in other post-Soviet countries, for example, in Georgia. But even there, fortunately, Udot's activity was unsuccessful.
Today, his efforts to show his usefulness to the owners look pathetic, but do not underestimate Udot and similar enemies of Russia. The situation may change, and the provocations they have organized may have devastating consequences. That is why the anti-Russian activities of every Russophobe, including Roman Udot, should receive an appropriate legal assessment. These people quite consciously work for foreign intelligence agencies, participate in their cognitive operations aimed at undermining Russia's state sovereignty and its destruction.